In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
Discovering our God given purpose through service in God's family.
At MVWC we seek to create a culture of outreach and invitation in all aspects of ministry by encouraging everyone to share in the work of the ministry by serving not only God but others as well. We seek to involve ourselves in the ministry of service by following the model of Jesus, he said we are to be his witnesses in Jerusalem (local missions), and in all Judea and Samaria (regional), and to the ends of the earth (foreign). Thus, at MVWC we offer the following opportunities to serve.
Serving Our Church
We want everyone to get involved and get connect through serving the local church. When you serve in the Church you will feel a sense of belonging and that you are part of God’s team here at MVWC. We want to see your gifts shine. If you play an instrument or sing, consider volunteering for the worship team. If you love to teach, maybe helping teach Sunday School or Youth or a small group leader is for you. If hospitality or cooking is one of your talents there is a place for you in welcoming everyone on Sunday, helping in the kitchen, or decorating the church. Opportunities to help with offering, communion, and Scripture reading are also ways you can get involved. There is a place for you here to get involved and get connected. ​
Serving our Community
In addition to periodical expressions of love and help to our community through clean ups, programmed activities, or whatever may be needed at the moment, we also have a 5th Sunday generosity offering, to help with needs within our church and local community. In Acts 2:42, we see the church engaged in meeting the needs of the community through giving. Our response to the example before us in Scripture is the Generosity Offering. Gifts to that fund are used to help with needs within our church community and are distributed according to the Generosity Fund policy which has been adopted by our Local Board.
Serving our Region
We have partnered with Awaken City Church in Boston, Massachusetts. Awaken City Church held their first public service in September of 2019 and we are excited to be part of what God is doing in his work there. You can participate in the Kingdom work in Boston by praying for Pastor Melinda and her family, the church, and all those who they impact. You may also choose to go, as we will be planning weekend trips as opportunities arise to help when a few extra hands can make a difference. Click on the image below to check out what God is doing in Boston.
Serving Our World
As they say in Haiti, “we are joining our hands together” with Heavenly Brightness Church and School and Resource Haiti, Inc. Located in Cap-Haitian, the second largest city in Haiti, our friends Vilmer and Sarah Paul have a God sized vision to educate 10,000 children in their city. Haiti’s widespread poverty and injustice is ingrained in the political and cultural fabric of the country. As a result, most children are not given the chance to go to school. However, God has seen this need and with his help 11 acres of land have been purchased and a school has begun to be built. You can get connected to what God is doing in Haiti by praying, giving, and as opportunities arise going on a short term mission trip. Click on the image below to check out what God is doing in Haiti.